I love to make bookmarks. I don't use them a lot, but I love to make them. These ones were spur of the moment kind thing. You see, I was laminating pieces to a Calendar bullentin board. I have 4 boys, I want these things to last homeschooling through the last one. It was like playing Tetris getting as many pieces onto a 9 x12 pocket of plastic laminate and still have a good seal around the pieces. The last few pockets had vast empty spots no matter how I tried. I didn't have anything else to laminate and I didn't want to waste all that space. What to do?
I had scrap pieces of ribbon that I had lying around after another craft or two. Yes, I save a lot of different things. I thought, "Hey, these would make a neat laminated bookmark!" So that is what I did, I put a few pieces of ribbon on the pockets and laminated them. I like them and my boys use them. They would make a quick gift as well to a reader.
A few different ideas: scrapbook paper, dried flowers, a pretty scrap of fabric. Really you could use this idea with any sort of flat object that can stand a little heat. It is fast and fun.