Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Smaller Molds

I just got my package from Brambleberry! I am so excited! I don't normally alter from my norm of only ordering my soap supplies once a year. These new molds were offered after I made my order in February. I was just going to wait until next year, if I remembered, but then Brambleberry had a coupon code for these very molds! I could not resist. I pleaded and reasoned with Cowboy Preacher to let me buy some of these molds. And so now I have some.

Isn't my husband the best? Yeah, I love him so.

I do love to make soap, but since I am just a hobbyist, for now at least. I want to try out some new designs and scents, but don't really want to be swamped in soap.

I have three 4 lb wooden molds and two 2 lb wooden molds. I really love my wood molds, lined with freezer paper and all, but I am looking forward to trying these silicone ones out. I know I will probably have to keep them in the molds a little longer, but I hope it will be worth it in the long run. I will be sure to post my results.

Click on the link if you want to buy one or more for yourself==>Brambleberry's 1 lb Silicone Mold

I love how they always give you a little sample. This time I got a sample of Red Apple. I love appley scents. I think I will try out this little sample in my new mold! Catch ya later, I've got some soaping to do!

Monday, June 10, 2013


I've changed the name of blog yet again. So goodbye to A Little Creative Fun and Hello to The Ladybug's Soapbox. I decided to change to tie into my new Facebook page. If I were to start up my own soap company, I'd like to use The Ladybug's Soapbox.

In other news, Cowboy Preacher and Roosiers took off to camp this week. I'm left at home with two sickies. Princess Flower and Skinny are both sick with who knows what. It isn't too serious. Princess Flower takes after me and just sleeps it off. Skinny is the one to pay attention to. He likes to, uh, make a mess, so to speak. So I hope I'll be able to get back on here sometime this week and re do my video on making some cuticle oil. We will see.

Also Rockbiter is changing his name to Little Duder. He's a funny little dude. Anyhow, I decided to get off the fence about potty training him. I was waiting because we were going to be taking a trip. Starting to potty train and then a trip doesn't bode well for successful potty training. The good thing is that he is old enough to understand and wants to potty train. The bad thing is that he is also very stubborn and often says he wants to go in his big boy undies. Even though I potty trained my oldest 3, it still seems like such an undertaking every time. But I am a certain that potty training boot camp works. I just wasn't counting on being left with 2 sickies.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Take Note!

Being a soapmaker, there really isn't a shortage of soap around my house. I have a lot of soap, what can I say? I'm addicted to making soap.

I still had a few soaps hanging around from my last soap swap. The Autumn one, so I have a lot of spicy ones to choose from. Well I chose the one that smelled like cinnamon. Even knowing that cinnamon is a sensitizer I used it. My hands aren't all that sensitive, but let me tell you, that luscious cinnamon smelling soap really did a number on them. Nothing bad, just my hands were dry and itchy. Really itchy! I'm glad I didn't try it on my face and that Cowboy Preacher didn't use it (he likes to use the hand soap in a pump).

I decided that after that little fiasco, I needed a super mild soap to help me get over the cinnamon. You have to understand, I love cinnamon. It is just smells wonderful and so homey to me. I went thorough my soap boxes looking for a nice soap. I found a bar that must be 3 years old at least. It was an old goat's milk soap from before we moved to Arkansas. I made it for babies.

What is the point of this post? Well, I love the mildest of that old goat's milk bar. It really helped. It doesn't have the bubbles I love, but it has a great feel and it doesn't leave my hands feeling dry. I wasn't so great at taking notes at the beginning of my soapmaking adventure. I like to experiment a lot, playing with a base soap recipe. So as you may have caught on, I didn't take great notes on this bar.

It is sad to know that I made a really great bar of soap and I may never replicate it again! I know it has olive oil and maybe shea butter and it definately has goat's milk, but I don't know what else I may have put in the soap. I even remember the fragrance I used, but the recipe is gone. My memory isn't what it used to be. So my point is: take notes of your creations so you can create them more than once.

Of course I know that some of you just won't. How do I know? I was once like that. I saw any number of times others telling me to take good notes. Did I listen? Well, yes eventually, but at first, not remotely. Ah, how wonderful it would be if I had taken better notes.