Friday, July 26, 2013

Cuticle Oil and Eyeshadow Primer

I finally got around to making some cuticle oil for myself. Now I just need to remember to use it more often. I also needed some eyeshadow primer and since once again we are without income, I couldn't just go out and buy some. Happily, I had most of the ingredients. That is what I love about crafting, you can always make stuff or come to another way of thinking about what you need and how to get it.

Both of these formulas come from the Point of Interest blog by Susan Barclay-Nichols. If you've never visited her blog, you might find a lot of lovely goodies to look over. Here is the cuticle oil and this is the link for the primer. Each formula was calculated for 50 grams. Here is my little video making of:

I have to say it wasn't very good. I'm still learning, but I really like making videos. Uploading? Not so much. And of course I could spent days editing. Not my most favorite thing to do really. I'd rather take pretty pictures and make lovely things.

Just for your information, I did sanitize all everything I used and needed beforehand. I think I forgot to say that on the video. I certainly don't want to have nasty things growing in my products for sure.

I didn't put any labels on my cuticle oil since they were just for me and really, it kills me to label that tiny little pot every time. I know, I'm weird. Since I offered my excess primers to my nieces, I thought I would do a pretty little label for them. I used the Avery 2" x 2" square labels. I didn't want to fuss with getting in done in my usually Microsoft Publisher, so I just used the online program which turned out pretty well.
This label is just a little too big for my lip balm tubes, so I cut about 1/8" off the side of the label. If you have steady hands, it isn't too difficult to put the label on. Unfortunately, this label wasn't meant to be put on a round object. They all started to pop off after a little while. I was not happy. Happily, a simple solution was just to use some crystal clear packing tape to seal the labels. I did need to trim a little off, but that was easily done with a razor blade.
All in all, both of these formulas were very easy to make. I thank Susan for all the hardwork and knowledge she put into creating these wonderful products.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Molds in Use

Once again I'm lagging on my blog and that is not what I want to do. I have several ideas for articles and videos. Honestly I'm playing catch up at home, but in doing so, I am getting better organized. I did get some videos published. For those who want to see the new, cute, smaller molds in action:
I'm still quite new to videos and I hope to improve as I continue. Frankly, it takes so long to upload them to YouTube I am not quite sure it is worth it. Maybe if I can get a better connection. But I love videos! I also love to write and shouldn't stay away from it for so long.