As you know, I love using my Menu Planner. It fits so nicely into my Home Book. But I find that often, I don't pick it up during the week after I've planned. That means I forget to start a crockpot, take frozen meats out to thaw and really mess up my plans. So I decided to make a little poster to hang on my fridge. I always go by the fridge, so when I notice the poster I can take out what I need because I'm reminded about it. I used to have a dry erase board on the fridge, but my boys kept taking it down and losing it. Also, the magnets were not very strong and kept sliding down the refrigerator. That was annoying. So I stopped using it.
After I made my little poster, I came across this neat thing on Pinterest.

Back to my poster, I found that even though I like started my week with Sunday the one with the Sunday on the top didn't work for me. My Sundays are very busy so most of my planning happens on Monday. I'm making due with what I printed out because I can't stand the thought of trashing this perfectly good paper. So I'm still using my menu planner, but I also put what I've planned onto my fridge poster. Everyone in the family likes knowing what is today's dinner. I laminated it after I printed it. I just pop it on the fridge with magnets. As you can see most my pretty ones have disappeared. Hmmmm, I think I need to make more!
I made my poster on Publisher, but if you didn't want to go through the trouble of making your own, I uploaded mine to Dropbox. You can get it here. There are 4 pages, 2 with my rainbow and 2 plain script. After it is laminated, you can use a dry erase marker to write down your menu. Easy and reusable.

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