Happy New Year everyone. I hope that everyone had a safe and fun holidays. Our Christmas was fairly quiet, peaceful even. I got to sit back and enjoy the joy on all the kiddos faces. Several people blessed our children greatly this Christmas and they enjoyed the blessings full well. It was Princess' first Christmas, but we didn't do any special photoshoot or anything. I wanted a stress free Christmas and I got it.
My New Year's goal is to get to blogging a bit more. I have loads of ideas and crafts I'd like to share. Princess is getting more independent and I am getting my energy back. My schedule has been sadly lacking so it is off to reorganize my Home book a little. Actually, it is a total mess since I haven't cracked it since Princess was born. My sanity has suffered for it I think. I have be making inroads into being more organized and that has made me feel loads better. I have also lost 10 pounds this Christmas season, crazy. I am looking forward to losing more baby fat as well.
I have been watching some new videos and people on YouTube and they have inspired me to start experimenting. Cowboy Preacher is also looking forward to some special formulations I am planning to hopefully help with some skin problems he has been dealing with. I look forward to all that I will be learning from these trials and experiments.

New Year's Eve we usually have a Game Night at the church, but really I didn't feel well enough to put something on. So we stayed at home. What was to be a early night for me, turned into diluting a liquid soap I had made a couple years back. I had found it in my soaping supplies with no note as to the ingredients. (Another goal is to take better notes.) I knew it was olive oil based and so decided to play with it. Since I had sealed the soap paste in a vacuum bag, I knew it was still alright to use. It turned out great. I scented it with a little
Sangria Punch from Nature's Garden. It smells divine, I am so buying more of the fragrance. Later on I will be doing a post on my haul from them.
2012 has been an excellent year and went by so fast. I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for 2013.
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